LOSS Team of the Big Bend is
Grief Support for Those Bereaved by Suicide
“LOSS” stands for Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors

Suicide Survivors
Bereaved suicide loss survivors have had a close friend or loved one die by suicide. Those left behind need help coping with the tragic aftermath of the suicide. Surviving a suicide loss is not something anyone can prepare for.
The bereaved survivor may experience a depth of feelings and shock that can lead to isolation, unhealthy coping strategies or a completed suicide.
Survivors need to know they are not alone. LOSS Team instills a sense of hope, empowering survivors so they can survive and thrive.
LOSS Team consists of trained suicide loss survivors serving as volunteers who want to be a resource of hope to bereaved survivors. Volunteer mental health professionals support the LOSS team survivor volunteers.
We provide compassionate peer support to help survivors begin their healing journeys. We follow-up with survivors to continue peer support and guide survivors to resources. Survivors may contact the LOSS Team through email or our phone line and ask for in person meeting.
The LOSS Team Model.
The original LOSS Team active postvention model was launched in 1998 by Dr. Frank Campbell. His research demonstrated that it was taking survivors of suicide loss an average of 4.5 years before they reached out for help. During those years, many survivors suffered in silence and developed unhealthy coping skills. Having access to suicide grief support is critical. Since then, several LOSS Teams have launched throughout the country. To learn more about the LOSS Team model, click LOSS Team
To provide support, resources, and a sense of hope for survivors of a suicide loss.
On average, it takes 4.5 years for survivors of a suicide loss to reach out for help. During those years, survivors may suffer in silence. The purpose of the LOSS Team is to shorten the time survivors find help, hope and support

You are not alone.
We survived our loss and so can you.
With help comes hope!
(850) 888-LOSS (5677)
If you are in a crisis call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest Emergency Room